Demand for GP services across the country remains high. This is the same for our daily telephone triage system, the demand for which is now far in excess of what is deemed safe to manage. From Tuesday 3rd January 2023 our urgent appointment system will change primarily to face to face appointments.
To help us direct you to the most appropriate clinician or service, our reception team will ask you for a brief outline of your concern. Please only ask for an urgent appointment if your problem is too urgent to wait until the next pre-bookable appointment. We advise contacting the practice as early in the day as possible if you have an urgent issue. Please note only one problem can be discussed, and no routine problems will be dealt with during the urgent on-the-day appointment.
Urgent telephone appointments will cease, except for a select few issues i.e., adult D&V (diarrhoea and vomiting), where we prefer patients not to come into surgery. Routine appointments are still available to book.
Use of our online system ‘eConsult’ has increased. It is a great way to get clinical advice for your condition, however, it is worth remembering that each consultation also takes time to review, and you should get a response within 48 hours. eConsults should not be used for urgent issues.
Making an appointment to discuss minor illnesses, which are often self-limiting (i.e., they tend to get better on their own without a prescription), means that people who really need an appointment struggle to get through. The following are common examples of things which we often find you don't need to speak to a clinician about unless your symptoms are particularly severe, they aren't settling, or you feel really unwell. If you are not sure, please check out the NHS links below before you contact us.
Please also go to www.nhs.uk which is a source of trusted health advice about your or your condition. Your local pharmacist is also there for you as an expert in medicines. They can offer advice for certain ailments. They will also know when you need to contact a GP or another more urgent service. Many pharmacies are open in the evening and at weekends.
If you have an issue, when your GP Surgery is closed and it cannot wait until the surgery re-opens, you can contact NHS 111 by visiting www.111.nhs.uk or by calling 111. They can also support with a mental health crisis if you select option 2. You do not need to see a GP to refer yourself for some mental health services. Find out more at Steps2Wellbeing.
Remember to always dial 999 straight away when it is a real emergency, for example if you think someone is having a heart attack or a stroke.
Thank you for your on-going support.
The surgeries will be closed for a Poole Central Network Protected Learning Session on Thursday 10th April 2025. Evergreen Oak Surgery will close at 3.30pm and will reopen the next day. Creekmoor surgery will close at 12.30pm and will reopen at 8.30am the next day. If you have an urgent medical emergency during this closure please call NHS 111 (Dial 111).
The NHS are trying to reduce prescriptions for over the counter medicines. The NHS has been spending around £136 million a year on prescriptions for medicines that can be bought from a pharmacy or supermarket, such as paracetamol. By reducing the amount the NHS spends on over the counter medicines, we can give priority to treatments for people with more serious conditions, such as cancer, diabetes and mental health problems.
We may suggest for minor issues to contact a pharmacy for advice. The Pharmacist can advise on:
Sore Throats, Head Lice, Conjunctivitis, Dandruff, Earwax, Mild cystitis, Insect bits and stings, Sunburn, Threadworms and many more..
How pharmacies can help
If your symptoms do not improve with follow advice from a pharmacist, please then contact your Doctor for an appointment.
Enhanced Access
Following NHS England guidance, surgeries are now required to provide enhanced access appointments between the hours of 6.30pm to 8pm Mondays to Fridays and between 9am to 5pm on Saturdays. In booking your appointment, please be aware that you may be offered an evening or Saturday appointment at a different surgery site, but this will be made clear at the time of booking.
Covid Boosters
If you would like to book or need advice regarding your Covid-19 vaccine, please contact the National Booking Service via www.nhs.uk or ring 119. Covid vaccinations cannot be booked via the surgery as we have no access to the National Booking System.
Latest CQC* Report for Evergreen Oak Surgery - CQC Report - October 2016
*Care Quality Commission (CQC) is responsible for the registration and inspection of social care services in England.
On Tuesday 5th November 2019 we had our CQC Annual Review and we are pleased to announce that we have successfully retained our 'Good' rating.